
Please watch the video here.  Then write a response with your opinion.  Do you agree with the message?  Research where your country ranks globally.  What is your country’s current education system like?  What improvements could be made?

Leave a comment and don’t forget to comment on at least 2 other student’s responses. 🙂

13 thoughts on “Education

  1. Totally agree with the massage from Prince Ea. I usually watch this video that talks about something similar:

    The politicians as a rule don’t think that education is a strong part of the system (maybe the strongest), because it doesn’t take immediately results.

    Education is a long time result task, and the politicians of today only think in short time result, because as much (in USA) they are gonna be in the power for 8 years, that are not enough to see the results of a good education law.

    In my country is similar. I am from Spain and we are on 28th position in the world wide rank of education (not good at all). At every change of government, they make a new educational law. In the last 20 years Spain has had 4 different educational law. And the only ones who have been affected were us, the students, because the politics have been doing “THE BEST EDUCATIONAL LAW EVER!” (LIES).

    New political parties in Spain are talking about to make a strong educational law together. But the big ones and powerful political parties don’t want to do that. It means to make an effort and they don’t want to do that.


    1. I agree with you Diego.
      Education is the long investment to our future but for the politics very important show result today.

      I like this thought that mistakes of doctors very expansive and very noticeable mistakes of teachers are less noticeable. But they are no less expensive than the mistakes of doctors.

      I hope our society will understand it…


  2. I really like this idea.

    I definitely try, almost nothing changed in our classes for the last 100 years.
    Education this is the significant part of our society and unfortunately it very conservative.

    I have some example… I know one teacher he has created methods for the education of kids. He has a significant background of teaching in all over the world including the US. One his methodic help kids to read in Russian at 2-3 years old any texts. 80% of private preschools are using this methodic and 90% kids after graduating this go to a 2-3 class of public school.
    He is trying to push this melodic in public school during 25 years, and all time he had one answer “We cant work with kids individually, and we can’t cancel afabet.”

    I think as usual education, it’s massive business for producing books and other staff, and it has own lobby in each government.

    We spend minimum 20 years of education it’s unbelievably a lot. We should find ways how to improve the effectiveness of teaching.

    I think new tech like MOOC can help to solve this problem.

    Today education it’s a ticket in the real world, and it’s critical to provide possibilities to have this ticket for everyone.


  3. From the past to nowadays, the educational system in schools has not changed a lot even in different countries. Especially in Asian countries, most of our teachers in the school teach students everything only from textbooks. I don’t think they are teaching, I think they are just reading the textbooks to students and tell them to remember everything in order to have a good grade in the test. For some students who can study the textbooks by themselves, they don’t even want to go to schools because schools teach them nothing.

    Everyone is different, everyone has different strengths and different abilities. How can a tedious educational system classify all students and decide who they are, what they can do in the future just by taking the same tests? Education should not be a competition.


  4. The education systems are ranked by a program called PISA, development for the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

    In this Ranking, the better education systems, are development by Finland and South Korea. Sadly, Colombia is in the 57 spot. The United States now ranks in the 18th among 36 nations examined by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

    According to elmundo from Spain, in South Korea, students spend between 13 and 15 hours studying. The expectations of young people about academic results are the most elevated in the world.
    In this education, you should spend most of your time on academic activities, even after school schedule. The discipline and the test results have shown that this kind of military education actually works for rankings.

    On the other hand, in South Korea the alarms are on about high levels of young people suicides. One of the most high levels in the planet too. This could meand, that this kind of hyper strict education could works for statistics, but not that much for humans.

    In opposition, we have Finland in the first place. In there, children do not use uniforms. They do not have long school days. They do not even have a unique program education for everybody, or the same homework. Actually they do not have homework at all.

    Also, it is not allowed to separate people in intelligence levels, because the idea of better or worse students is not the same as in the rest of the world. Still that, they have the best results in the PISA program. With at not hight suicide rates of young people.

    In my opinion, the best education system is not just the one how has good scores, no matter what. The best one, should be respectful about differences, students and teacher work, it should have care about specific aptitudes of persons, and help them to create them self-according to that.


    1. I agree with you, Paulina.

      I know some experimental school where students never have the score. They have small classes (10 students) and teacher trying to find a way for an explanation to each student individually.
      Students wich I know from this school very enjoy being the


  5. I agree with this message. Time goes on, car and phone are changed a lot, but education system is not change. In other word, education in modern society and fifty years ago are almost same. How could this happen? it happened because all most of people in high school or university didn’t prepare student for the future. All of children in the modern world have to attend same class even though each one has different dream and different gift. Then teacher teach the same thing and same way to their student. In addition, when students take an exam, they always have standardized test. I think these test are too crude to be used and should be changed.
    According to the U.S new, rank of education in Korea is 22th. Someone can think of that it is high rank, so their student will have superior education. But I think that it is not true. High school and University in Korea, they have made trained student like a factory. It has to change completely.
    I think that the number one thing in education is to make student creatively, innovatively and independently


  6. I do agree with the message of the video.
    I think the guy totally touches the point, the real point, where a school is no longer a place where you go to understand and to study but a place that is just looking for money and nothing more.

    I was totally speechless about the fact that there is so much “intellectual loss”.
    Apart from the thing that I do not believe in school and education because, in my opinion, it’s no longer about your school preparation but your practical experience.
    A person that comes out from the university ( in every county) is not prepared to work or anything, just ready to be bite from all the sharks that live outside of the “comfort zone”.

    According to the MIUR (Ministry of Public Education in Italy):
    “Judging by public funding, education is not a priority for Italy. To explain it, photography is taken by the European Commission with the Education and Training Monitor 2014 report, according to which we end up among the last EU countries for education resources at all levels (primary, secondary and university): only 4 percent of GDP against a European average of 5.3. Only Romania (3) Bulgaria (3.5) and Slovakia (3.8) worse. Figures that deteriorate much – and in the negative – are 7.9 in Denmark, 6.8 in Sweden and 6.3 in Finland. Funding in Italy steadily dropped from 2009 to 2012, with a real collapse in 2011, the black year of the spread, less than 4 percent.”

    In December 2013, the Renzi government launched the Italian version of the Youth Guarantee, a European Youth Fighting Action Plan which aims to guarantee a good employment offering for all young people under the age of 25 – 30 in Italy – apprenticeship or apprenticeship. However, the Commission’s report raises a question: “Although the commitments made by the government are remarkable, there are concrete doubts as to whether the results of the Young Guarantee can be reached due to the lack of long-term planning.”


  7. The message Prince Ea is talking about in this video, is something that has always been something that I personally thought about as super important. Everyone around the world knows that the educational system needs to be updated in so many countries yet nothing is being done.

    When I was in high school, me and my friends had different interest in school and we were all very good in different subjects but only me and one other friend was considered being ”a good student” because she was good at math and I was good in biology whilst my other friends liked art, music and gymnastics.

    Everything is going forward and is different than it was, but the school system is exactly the same which is very sad. Instead of taking care of the students and concentrating on something so important and listening to what students think and what they need politicians just close their eyes.

    I have heard many people say when discussing this with them ”Why fix something that isn’t broken?” It is broken, but no our politicians choose not to talk about it.


  8. I do agree with what video is trying to say. In my country, South Korea, there was a huge boom of concentrating on educational creativity. However, I am not sure what kind of effort government has put on the education to become a better environment. In class we focus on the lecture rather than discussing. I think peer to peer conversation is better way to enhance their creativity than just listening the lecture.

    I am sure that each of student has a different personality. That is why we should concentrate hard on improving student’s character rather than making them standard person.


  9. “Education” is the most important investment of each country. Every government should give the priority of found destination to improve the educational system. Children and students are the resource that will give the profit to the nation. Even if the investment will pay-back in the long term, this investment is successful in order to the the number of opportunities that could be created.
    In the “2017 World’s Top 20 Education Poll” , in relation to the “Third Quarter Rankings” based on five indicators (, Italy is positioned to the 19th place. In this analysis “rates” are the least common denominator of the indicators.
    Here, in reference to the proposed video of Prince, I want express my agreement: in my opinion, different mind need different methods of teaching. The base learning can have a non differentiated teaching method but it has to be “customized” for each student in the following steps.
    In a general perspective, before to think about the “minds”, in my opinion, it’s necessary preserve the peculiarities of each national educational system because they have to be the base where built on. Each of these one takes with itself culture and tradition and comparing the “rates” is a misunderstanding of the mission of the culture, the effectiveness and the quality of the educational system.


  10. I Jeehye, I agree with your comment, specially about the term, standard person.

    This concept have dominated the traditional education during centuries. I think that there is not a standard person, we are humans, not Iphones, and you are right, education systems should be concentrate in personal aptitudes.


  11. I completely agree. We have reached a great level of personalization in almost every field, we need the same for our education system as well. I think about imitating the Finland’s system might be a good beginning. But at the same time even countries, as well as students, are each one different from the other. There aren’t shortcuts, but one thing is certain: we must change.


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